
No signs shall be placed or kept on a lot other than 1) a single
address sign and a single for sale sign not to exceed 300 square inches
in size 10″ x 24″ of a natural wood material with black lettering stating
the name of the occupant and/or the lot, if any, and the address. Only
signs provided by the Association shall be used to advertise a unit for
sale., or 2) a single, temporary sign promoting a specific event, which
may be placed no more than 24 hours prior to, and must be removed
no more than 24 hours after, the event to which the sign pertains.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, placement of any signs on the Lots
shall be subject to additional rules and regulations adopted by the
Board of Directors.

No sign shall be affixed to a street sign or a tree. They must be freestanding. What about the Steve James Base Camp Billboard?

Vote No as Written

Special Assessments for Capital Improvements.- Vote No!

Special Assessments for Capital Improvements. In addition to the
annual assessments authorized above, the Association may levy in any
assessment year, a special assessment applicable to that year only, for
the purpose of defraying in whole or in part the cost of any
construction or reconstruction, unexpected repair or replacement of a
described capital improvement upon the Common Area, including the
necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto, provided
that, except for repairs or replacements, any such assessment for
structural alterations, capital additions, or capital improvements
reflecting an expenditure a common expense of in excess of $500
$20,000 annually shall require the assent of an absolute majority of the
votes of all members who are voting in person or by proxy at a meeting
duly called for this purpose, written notice of which shall be sent to all
members not less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days in
advance of the meeting setting forth the purpose of the meeting.
Developer shall be entitled to one (1) vote only, without respect to the
number of lots owned, when voting in favor of a special assessment.

$20,000 annually? No way in hell! Maybe a one time expense of $20k, but not annually!

Vote No!

Fiscal Responsibility

The Board of Directors will prepare or cause to be prepared an annual
financial statement consisting of a balance sheet and income and
expense statement setting forth the financial condition of the
Association as of the end of each year. The report will be prepared
according to generally accepted accounting principles and will be
distributed to all owners within 90 days after the end of each fiscal
year. At any time and at his or her own expense, any owner or
Mortgagee may cause an audit or inspection to be made of the books
and records of the Association.

Back to basics! How about monthly statements available online? How about a Comprehensive Reserve Study with an Annual Maintenance Plan? How about an estimate for what the assessment will be for when it comes time to replace our roads? I asked for an audit using an attorney, justifying my need. Good Luck!

Vote No as Written

Rule and Fine Appeals

The Board of Directors may, after giving written notice and an
opportunity to request a hearing before the Board, levy reasonable
fines for violations of the Declaration, Bylaws, and Rules and
Regulations of the Association, as long as the fines levied are based on
a schedule of fines previously adopted by Board resolution that is
mailed to the mailing address of each Lot or mailed to the mailing
address designated in writing by the Owner(s). If a Member requests a
hearing, the Board shall schedule the hearing within a reasonable time.
The Board of Directors may adopt reasonable rules and regulations
setting forth the procedures for hearings under this section.

A good rule with a stacked deck since the Board continues to show bias toward members they don’t like. Just ask the Donzellis or come talk to me. Any meeting to resolve disputes on rule violations must include d a 3rd party, unaffiliated with the Board or the member who has illegibly broken a rule.

Vote No as Written

Removal of Directors

Resignation or Removal of Directors. A Director of the Association may
resign as a Director by delivering written notice of the resignation to
the President of the Board or the Secretary. Directors may be removed
by a majority vote of all members, however, unless the entire Board is
removed, an individual Director shall not be removed if the number of
votes against the resolution for his removal exceeds the quotient
arrived at when the total number of entitled votes is divided by the
authorized number of Directors plus one (1)
. At a meeting of the
Members at which a quorum is present, the Members may remove a Director from the Board of Directors, with or without cause, by a
majority vote of all Members, provided that:
(A) Before a vote to remove a Director, Members must give the
Director whose removal has been proposed an opportunity to be
heard at the meeting;
(B) The Members must vote on the removal of each Director whose
removal is proposed as a separate question; and
(C) Removal of a Director by Members is effective only if the
matter of removal was an item on the agenda and was stated in the
notice of the meeting.

If the majority of the membership (This means the total membership, not just who shows up at a meeting) or a Board member issues a no confidence vote, that’s it. There is no appeal. Run again next year if you think you have a case. We don’t have time for appeal processes. Majority Rules. If you are removing the member without cause there should be no appeal process.

Vote No

Electronic Communication

At the discretion of the Board of Directors, any notice, information, or
other written material required to be given to an Owner or Director
may be given by electronic mail, facsimile, or other form of electronic
communication acceptable to the Board of Directors. Notwithstanding
the foregoing sentence, electronic communication may not be used to
give notice of (a) failure to pay an assessment; (b) foreclosure of an
association lien; (c) an action the Association may take against an
Owner; or (d) an offer to use the dispute resolution program. An Owner
or Director may decline to receive notice by electronic communication
and may direct the Board of Directors to provide notice as required
elsewhere in these Bylaws, the Declaration, or ORS Chapter 94.

Email is the excepted practice for communication world-wide. If there is required communication such as for fines, liens or other legal action that must be sent via registered or certified mail. Another unnecessary rule.

Vote No as Written

Number of Directors

The number Directors of the corporation shall be 3 Directors.
Beginning on January 1, 2022, the number of Directors shall increase
from three (3) to five (5) Directors. They shall be elected at the annual
meeting of the members and each Directors shall be elected to serve
until the second succeeding annual meeting after his election and until
his or her successors have been elected. At the first annual meeting, to
be held on the 18th of August, 1973, there shall be elected one Director
for a period of one (1) year, one Director for a period of two (2) years
and one Director for a period of three (3) years; thereafter the terms of
each elected Director shall be three (3) years from the date of his or
her election.
The terms of the three (3) Directors who are already
serving prior to January 1, 2022, shall expire at the annual meeting in
the year 2023, and thereafter shall be elected by the membership for
two-year terms. The two (2) new Director positions created on January
1, 2022, which terms shall expire at the annual meeting in the year
2022, shall be appointed by a majority vote of the three (3) currently
serving Directors, and thereafter shall be elected by the membership
for two-year terms. Thereafter, the terms of the Directors shall stagger,
with three (3) Directors being elected in odd-numbered years and two
(2) Directors being elected in even-numbered years. All Directors must be owners or co-owners of a Lot within Wild River, but only one co-
owner of any single Lot may serve as a Director at any particular time.

What’s the justification?

Stacking the court with so many appointed officials will take the decision making out of the hands of the membership. The Board can’t win using common sense rules so they have to cheat!

Currently between the board, arc, treasurer, secretary they have a total of almost 20 votes. Adding two more directors could increase that number to 25, depending on how many lots they own.

Recommendation: While serving the community on the board or ARC, those members may only cast one vote.

Three Board of Directors is an adequate number.

Vote Hell No!