A New Budget should be accompanied by a narrative, explaining the rationale. Don’t you think we deserve an explanation on how you are planning on spending our money?
1. You can’t assume everyone will pay on time to receive the discount. You need to consider our history, if you can find it.
2. Fines and ARC Fees are like overtime, you should never count on that revenue.
3. Does the majority think mosquito abatement is a prudent expenditure?
4. How does tree care differ from the other common area expenses?
5. Who are we paying for bookkeeping and why?
6. With 5 board members,why are we paying for board assistance? Did we vote for incapable people?
7. Who is doing what on the reserve study?
8. What are the legal fees for?
9. What is reserve other for?
10. What happened to our money market account?
11. Where are The deposits for the real estate transfer fees?
Why are so many houses for sale? My guess is, people see the amount of ignored maintenance, a budget that hasn’t balanced in 10 years, the board using their position to attack their neighbors, unequal application of the rules to hit the top few.
This map doesn’t include 5 additional listings which are removed during the slow winter months. Some think they can actually get seven figures!
The board won’t authorize a reserve study since they know the outcome will not bode favorably on their managerial skills.
Ray can’t even manage a simple budget and he condones bad behavior by our Secretary and Ethics Advisor, Olive Oil.
We should have 4 separate buckets for our expenditures:
The Operating Fund
The General Reserve Fund for the unexpected, e.g. border fencing replacement, mailboxes refresh, etc.
The Road Fund @ $30k a year.
Forest maintenance @ $10k a year.
We burned through our General Reserve Fund and now we will be burning through our Road Fund like if it was a General Reserve Account. Ray has not put together a balanced budget or properly maintained our Common Area since joining the WROA Board of Directors! As the ARC Chair he is approving construction that has the potential of burning down our development!
Ray’s 2023 – 2024 Budget Proposal
Once again Ray is proposing spending $17k more than what we are taking in! That money is taken from the “Road Fund”, meaning we will be only adding $13k to our reserve!
Before the Rhodes purchased the lot to the west of me I was taking care of fallen trees and bitter brush. Right after the Rhodes purchased their property I told them if there was anything they needed don’t hesitate to ask. Including both tools and knowledge.
I informed them that the back of their property is where the Mule Deer hunker down due to the cover. I also said, let’s do our side yards so that they compliment one another.
A few months later the property is scalped with no cover remaining for the Mulies. As the contractor prepares the site for foundations there are no provisions made for keeping the dust down.
As the windows go in, I ask Kevin, what color will you be painting your house? Kevin replied, a cream color, matching my window frames. Nope, same exact color as my home to a Tee!
When I moved here in 2006, buying my property from Dave & Mary Newkirk, I knew that the exterior paint color was more akin to a tract house in town. I wanted something that blended in, not something that stood out like a neon sign. I spent days driving around to some of the nicer developments in Deschutes County to find the perfect paint scheme. Well low and behold, I found the perfect color just across the river. Mr Putney was kind enough to provide the paint codes and $4k later I had just what I wanted! Many people complemented me on my choice, just to have Kevin paint his house the same color. When challenging the Brain Trust, Biff indicated that there is no rule against your neighbor painting their house the same color as yours. There is a basic assumption that intelligent people would check the adjacent properties before approving a house color, since this isn’t a condominium complex.
At this point our relationship has deteriorated to the point where I now see evenly spaced stakes on my property line, indicating a fence is about to go up. Attorney helps me with a letter saying, you better not!
While having company from out of town, ding dong, pound pound pound! Yes? We want to talk to you about your letter! Not right now, I have company. They have their 10 year old son in tow? Really? I left it at, don’t build the fence! They claimed that they weren’t planning on building a fence. Shitty neighbors and liars to boot.
And now he parks his truck on my frontage property line in the setback where he cultivates cheat grass, while leaving 5 lights on all night long? What a great addition to the neighborhood!
Poster Child for Energy Conservation Getting a jump on garbage day, 3 days in advance. Maybe no one cares? Why live in an HOA with that FU attitude. Great Front Yard says Fred & Elizabeth Sanford! Aka the Clampits! The only house in the neighborhood where the lights come on a 4 PM and stay on all night. And add one more light! Yep, six lights should be keeping away that boogeyman!