Ray can’t even manage a simple budget and he condones bad behavior by our Secretary and Ethics Advisor, Olive Oil.
We should have 4 separate buckets for our expenditures:
- The Operating Fund
- The General Reserve Fund for the unexpected, e.g. border fencing replacement, mailboxes refresh, etc.
- The Road Fund @ $30k a year.
- Forest maintenance @ $10k a year.
We burned through our General Reserve Fund and now we will be burning through our Road Fund like if it was a General Reserve Account. Ray has not put together a balanced budget or properly maintained our Common Area since joining the WROA Board of Directors! As the ARC Chair he is approving construction that has the potential of burning down our development!
Ray’s 2023 – 2024 Budget Proposal
Once again Ray is proposing spending $17k more than what we are taking in! That money is taken from the “Road Fund”, meaning we will be only adding $13k to our reserve!
Before the Ray
Here is the way we used to put together our budget forecast. It’s simple while providing a great history of expenditures.
A Better Layout with Similar Results
Here is a proposed outline for our 2023 – 2024 Budgeting Forecast, based on Ray’s desire to spend WROA Money!
Once again, Ray is proposing that we spend $15k more than we are planning on taking in?