1 Remove boulders blocking north emergency exit on the west side of the river before fire season.
2. Forest – With decreasing rainfall, we must begin taking measures to thin our 40 acres of forest to deal with this weather phenomenon. This includes the removal of vegetation along our roadsides which is also preventing snowplows from maintaining maximum road width during the winter months.
3. Roadways – We need to take monies from our Road Fund to take care of shoulder gravel replacement and repairs to the severe bumps and dips in our roadway. Once the necessary repairs have been completed we then need to reassess our entire roadway so we can better understand the “how much and when?“ We need to survey our members on how much they would be willing to spend on an assessment. The last was $600 in 2006 for a $300,000 repave.
4. Fire Hydrants -Inspect, flush and certify our fire hydrants annually.
5. Perimeter Fence – Our perimeter fence is 10 years past its expiration date. Start at those various Nat’l Forest access points.
6. Mail Stations – What a cluster! For less than $200 per key, we can start over. Install different Kelvin rated lights set on motion detectors.
7. Invasive Weeds – Identify and eradicate invasive & noxious weeds in our common areas in the spring, before going to seed.
8. Log Jam -Remove log jam preventing full flow to our rivulets.
9. Road Markers – Remove road markers preventing the snowplows from maintaining the full road width during the winter months. Remove the road markers at our mail stations and replace with markers that can be removed during the summer months and replaced just before winter.
10. Pump Houses – Conduct a full assessment of the condition of our pumphouse buildings by gaining access through Avion. Replace 50 year old asphalt shingles with corrugated steel, similar to mail stations.
11. Signage – Remove all unnecessary signage beginning with the two large and obnoxious “Dog Park Rules” billboards in the pristine river delta habitat! This is a private development, not a public park. In the past the membership would drive any changes or additions to our signage. When WROA went with Becky’s sign recommendations in 2008, we reused the metal blanks rather than buying new ones. Some people do not have any regard for how other people’s monies are spent.
12. Conduct a thorough Reserve Study and Annual Maintenance Plan. Click Here