Emergency Egresses –

Everyone should learn where the alternative Emergency Egresses are located! I’ll double check the West Deschutes River Road Emergency Egress to ensure it is passable. Update, it’s not.

This is something that you should print out to keep with your Emergency Preparedness Day Pack.

All of your heirlooms (not on display) and irreplaceable items should be boxed and ready to roll!

Some Bad News – There are large boulders blocking the Egress to West Deschutes River Road from Wild River Way. Anyone want to get with the Forest Service?

We could replace the rocks with posts that are easily knocked down in an emergency. At Boeing we called them crash barriers. If you are escaping a fire you shouldn’t worry about a little front end damage or better yet get behind a 4X4!

Also for additional security maybe we’ll could fix our perimeter fence? Asleep at the switch! But yes, we need more signs!

Best get with the Brain Trust first or they will be sending the local HACKER|LEPERS, Shysters at Large after you for doing a good deed!

The large Boulders could be reused at our West Entrance blocking the old service road

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Wild River West Entrance

Thanks Dorothy and Mr. C! I’m sorry Ray, every time I look at you I am reminded of Richie’s Dad on Happy Days! And always so serious!

It is tough growing anything at 4,500 feet where summer days can reach into the 100s and on those same 100 degree days you can have night time temperatures dropping into the mid 30s. A 60 degree temperature swing has “Early Girls” and “Beef Stakes” saying, NFW!

It is also not easy getting money from the board for things that “they” are not interested in! Remember, it is the anointed ones that get to decide for the rest of us since we don’t seem to be smart enough. Not the way we used to roll under Virgil, Nancy and Jim Boyd! Ray is persistent and quiet about it and wears down the administration. He obviously has more patience than I do!

Thanks Ray and Dorothy!

And then there is maintenance. You don’t add assets unless you plan to maintain them and it shouldn’t be up to Ray and Dorothy to conduct the yearly inspection and maintenance of said assets.

Everyone, yes everyone agreed to hire out common area maintenance to professionals back in 2008. But we have spent our money poorly and have zero dollars in the reserve fund unless it is for roads? I have seen five year old’s play house better than our six board and arc members can manage 40 acres of common area not to mention providing needed services to our members.

Next up…Signs and why we need so many in the middle of the Deschutes National Forest. WE DON’T NEED NO STINKING SIGNS!

And for less than $200 a key we can make it even better!
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Mail Stations

What’s wrong with this picture? It appears only an expert knows.

Based on Rough Estimates this complete rework would be less than $200 per key. I’m in!

Bulletin Boards would go on the ends facing the mailboxes.

There is no need for the paper boxes that I installed, since Josh “also” delivers your news!

The openings for the parcel boxes face in the same direction as the mail boxes but only open from the front for loading which means Josh has to squeeze in between the bulletin board side of the mail station and the last parcel box installed. Not very well thought out, if at all!

Good Thing Josh isn’t any bigger! Armatures, you didn’t even look at the process before screwing it up for Josh! We need to start over!

If it wasn’t for Kermit’s bright idea to put down pavers, then removals, rearrangements and new installs would go that much faster and easier. Also, they could have finished reinstalling the locked down Board Only bulletin boards. Gary my neighbor, God rest his soul, had a plan to put down a material that would have stopped the spalling of the concrete created by people using deicer. You never use deicer on concrete unless the concrete is sealed. Property Managers know this. This would have eliminated the tripping hazard that Josh has to deal with multiple times a day. And for those would be property manager want to be’s, you don’t put a ZL1 engine in a Vega. Meaning you don’t spend that kind of money on a fully depreciated building. But what the hell, it’s not your money.

The mailboxes and parcel boxes need to be completely reworked. So, start banking some money to do it right! I will put together a plan for all to review, I will get cost estimates/bids from “professional” contractors. You can pick the best bid package as cheaper is not always better. I will oversee construction to ensure the work meets your expectations.

And while we are on the subject of mailboxes, do you know that the Weigerts (Or the Weegerts as the Koerners call them) have a key to your mailboxes? Not mine since I changed the lock. It is the responsibility of the home seller to provide the home buyer with a set of keys to their mailbox. If that doesn’t occur than a local locksmith needs to be called. The Administration should only have keys to the unassigned mailboxes. I suggest you swap out your lock. TODAY!

Leaving 3 lights on all night, really “bugs” me! Motion Detectors Please!
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Josh Needs our Help

See previous post

Sent to Cliff Bentz – 08/13/2023

I never heard back on why Josh my contracted Letter Carrier has not been paid for a previous two weeks of work from Ameritran out of Virginia? Josh works out of the La Pine Post Office and lost his lease vehicle due to the unexpected shuttering of Ameritran! He now has to make 4 trips a day in his personal vehicle to serve us.


Did Josh stop delivering our mail and packages? Heck No! He deserves to be paid!

Is anyone looking into this or is it not sexy enough for you to look into? And did I say, I never received a response to my earlier note?

Did Josh stop deliveries even though he wasn’t getting paid? Hell No! Got Meds? Thanks Josh! Have Letters from Loved Ones? Thanks Josh! Need I go on! Get off your lazy asses and write! See early post

He’s working his ass off to deliver your crap! Take care of our Dedicated Letter Carrier! Now!

Clearly no one here knows what they’re doing.
For less than $200 a key!

Spontaneous Combustion Alert

We had a fire on the east side a few years ago. Cause unknown. Lawn clippings should be thoroughly dried before depositing into trash receptacles. Oily rags may also cause issues when conditions are just right.

We all need to live with and take care of one another in an HOA on the edge of the grid!
