With declining rainfall in our region it is time to take drastic steps to preserve our forest. We can either wait for our trees to begin dying due to draught and insect infestation or we can take action now to begin thinning and dead limbing.
Actual rainfall from 2010 through 2022 from my Davis Weather Station. The trendline indicates this is not going to get any better anytime soon.
All trees under six inches in diameter at chest height need to be removed.
Increase spacing between remaining trees as necessary
Remove all dead limbs
Removal of Bitter Brush below tree drip lines, leave the rest for the deer.
Before I was asked to join the Board in 2008, I’d listen to people bitch at our “monthly” meetings about exterior lighting and forest conditions with no one volunteering. Makes me gag! Whiners!
Having never shied away from an honest day’s work, I raised my hand and said, “I’ll do it!” “You’ll do what?” I’ll put together a plan for our exterior lights and a comprehensive forest plan.
Sticking to the forest plan, I met with the Oregon Department of Forestry, Fish & Wildlife, Wild & Scenic/Bend Parks and Recreation to understand their needs as much of our property is governed by Wild & Scenic. And since we live in the middle of a National Forest, fitting in is preferred.
After meeting with the experts, I put together a scope of work, breaking that scope into three bite sized chunks for budgetary considerations. I then got on the phone to see who was interested in bidding for the work. My background says get 3 bids but 2 bidders was the best that I could muster. I held a bidders’ conference and we walked the property me setting expectations along the way. Any questions asked later were shared with both parties.
By this time I’d walked the 40 acres 4 times, marking trees with surveyor ribbon based on Stuart Otto’s (ODoF) spacing recommendations. After marking all the trees to be removed I informed the residents that if they felt the plan was too radical that they could feel free to remove any ribbon of their choosing. Most ribbons were left remaining.
Once again, the intent was to perform this work statement over 3 years but after the first year “our membership” decided to fund the remaining 2 phases by moving money from our reserve account, which we no longer have, to our operating fund.
Having depleted a significant amount of our reserve funds, the board asked the membership to make a decision on increasing our dues by $25, $50 or $75 per year per lot. The membership agreed to increasing our annual dues by $50 a year with the understanding that those funds would be held in reserve for common area forest maintenance. Where’s the money?
Our secretary says that we hired a professional arborist and that arborist says our forest is in top notch condition. Get a Refund!
This is why I can’t stress enough hiring professionals and taking the personalities out of the formula!
I’ll be putting together a comprehensive budget plan shortly based on all of the shortfalls I’m aware of. All member input is imperative.
Before the Rhodes purchased the lot to the west of me I was taking care of fallen trees and bitter brush. Right after the Rhodes purchased their property I told them if there was anything they needed don’t hesitate to ask. Including both tools and knowledge.
I informed them that the back of their property is where the Mule Deer hunker down due to the cover. I also said, let’s do our side yards so that they compliment one another.
A few months later the property is scalped with no cover remaining for the Mulies. As the contractor prepares the site for foundations there are no provisions made for keeping the dust down.
As the windows go in, I ask Kevin, what color will you be painting your house? Kevin replied, a cream color, matching my window frames. Nope, same exact color as my home to a Tee!
When I moved here in 2006, buying my property from Dave & Mary Newkirk, I knew that the exterior paint color was more akin to a tract house in town. I wanted something that blended in, not something that stood out like a neon sign. I spent days driving around to some of the nicer developments in Deschutes County to find the perfect paint scheme. Well low and behold, I found the perfect color just across the river. Mr Putney was kind enough to provide the paint codes and $4k later I had just what I wanted! Many people complemented me on my choice, just to have Kevin paint his house the same color. When challenging the Brain Trust, Biff indicated that there is no rule against your neighbor painting their house the same color as yours. There is a basic assumption that intelligent people would check the adjacent properties before approving a house color, since this isn’t a condominium complex.
At this point our relationship has deteriorated to the point where I now see evenly spaced stakes on my property line, indicating a fence is about to go up. Attorney helps me with a letter saying, you better not!
While having company from out of town, ding dong, pound pound pound! Yes? We want to talk to you about your letter! Not right now, I have company. They have their 10 year old son in tow? Really? I left it at, don’t build the fence! They claimed that they weren’t planning on building a fence. Shitty neighbors and liars to boot.
And now he parks his truck on my frontage property line in the setback where he cultivates cheat grass, while leaving 5 lights on all night long? What a great addition to the neighborhood!
Poster Child for Energy Conservation Getting a jump on garbage day, 3 days in advance. Maybe no one cares? Why live in an HOA with that FU attitude. Great Front Yard says Fred & Elizabeth Sanford! Aka the Clampits! The only house in the neighborhood where the lights come on a 4 PM and stay on all night. And add one more light! Yep, six lights should be keeping away that boogeyman!
On August 15th, I met with Chris Doty, The Head Man, for Deschutes County Road Maintenance. It had been indicated earlier that the WROA Board had no interest in what was going on with our bridge. Chris and I discussed a wide range of topics:
Bridge Replacement
Bridge replacement is 4 to 8 years out based on it’s current rating for failure. Our Bridge has been rated as a “51” out of 100. The rating was provided by the State of Oregon after an inspection, several years ago. The County will be conducting its own assessment within the next year and if the bridge falls below 50, the schedule for the bridge replacement will be advanced. Chris assured me that when the bridge is being replaced we would maintain our ability to travel west on Burgess along with first responders ability to access the development on the west side of the Big Deschutes. The current scope of work is for the “bridge to be replaced only” and there are no plans for widening or modifying the turns leading to or from the bridge. Great news for those owners directly downstream!
Bridge Maintenance
Chris had included a specialized street sweeper to his capital budget request for 2023, but it didn’t pass muster as we are the only need. Until he receives approval we’ll be the ones cleaning our bridge, if we want it done at all. Before winter I will be removing the years of cinder buildup to help with both snow & ice removal, beginning all too soon.
Filtration Swale for Water Runoff
Chris would like to partner with us on the bridge water runoff, using a small bit of our common area for a biofiltration swale. There again, 4 to 8 years out.
Pringle Falls Signage
For years our residents have been complaining about the large brown sign stating “Pringle Falls” – “Deschutes River” right before our bridge. Chris will be providing me with the contact number so we can discuss removing the “Pringle Falls” portion of the sign since no one other than residents of WROA can access unless it is winter,
Deer/Elk Carrion Removal
The number for deer and elk carrion removal is (541) 388 – 6581 or email [email protected]
Single Point of Contact
Chris agreed that it would be best to have a single point of contact for road issues affecting WROA residents.
Daily, weekly, or monthly vacation rentals are not allowed. All rental terms must be 6 months or longer. The members of Wild River do not want strangers who are unfamiliar with our rules, coming and going.
All owners properties will be kept in “park like condition, free of weeds, trash and fire hazards. All homes must have the required defensible space as outlined in the National Firewise Pamphlet
Failure to comply will result in the association taking action to bring the owners property into compliance and billing the property owner for all actual costs plus a 25% administration fee. The Administration fee will be entered in to the general fund, not Lori’s personal FU Neighbor Fund.
Try pouring about 1/4 of the Bayer Insecticide into a one gallon garden sprayer, topping off with water. I used to area spray with a garden hose, however, it’s just like Irrigation, it’s better to hit everything individually.. I hit each mound individually, smooth over with my foot and give one more light shot. That way I’ll know which ones are new.