Budget Observations for the Board

A New Budget should be accompanied by a narrative, explaining the rationale. Don’t you think we deserve an explanation on how you are planning on spending our money?

1. You can’t assume everyone will pay on time to receive the discount. You need to consider our history, if you can find it.

2. Fines and ARC Fees are like overtime, you should never count on that revenue.

3. Does the majority think mosquito abatement is a prudent expenditure?

4. How does tree care differ from the other common area expenses?

5. Who are we paying for bookkeeping and why?

6. With 5 board members,why are we paying for board assistance? Did we vote for incapable people?

7. Who is doing what on the reserve study?

8. What are the legal fees for?

9. What is reserve other for?

10. What happened to our money market account?

11. Where are The deposits for the real estate transfer fees?

Dues Increase

In less than 2 years the board has doubled our dues with nothing to show for it.

The following charts depict how we have been spending “our” money. We pay dues and assessments to take care of our common areas, not to crutch the board. Now with five volunteer directors our overhead has doubled while our common area assets are ignored.

Section 2. Purpose of Assessments or dues. The annual or regular periodic assessments, aka dues, levied by the Association shall be used exclusively for the improvement and maintenance of the Common Area and the payment of taxes and insurance on all or any part of the Common Area.

The chart below reflects how we’ve been spending our money along with what is being proposed. You should never spend more than 20% of your income on non-common area expenses.

Until bids are received based on a detailed scope of work, I’ll be withholding any increase in dues associated with the $50k being proposed for Common Area cleanup.

Where is the budget analysis for the $50k worth of work that is being proposed? Where is the budget analysis for replacing our roads?

We should be entitled to options as a membership, similar to what was done in 2008 when discussing the dues increase around forest maintenance.

Example: Option 1 is the full meal deal, Option 2 is à la carte (based on what the majority wants) and Option 3 is to do nothing. But not with this administration, you don’t get a choice!

This seems to be our only leverage, so please join me on holding the line.

Under different circumstances I would have voted for some of the proposed amendments to our dox. If there was a hell no option, that is how I would have voted.

Budget Analysis – WE ARE BROKE!

We haven’t had a balanced budget in over 10 years and once again we are planning on spending more than we are taking in.

The Road Fund is no longer a part of our expenditures and is expected to fund itself.

We are spending more money than what’s in our budget on attorneys. rather than common area maintenance.

Another dues increase heading your way, without explanation, again!

It is vital that we conduct a reserve study. Here is the reason why. Click Here