Help Our Letter and Package Carrier, Please

08-28 Update – I received a call from Cliff Bentz Office and they are looking into it!


It’s been almost 6 months and our letter carrier, Josh, hasn’t been paid for two months of previous work.

The Contractor, Ameritran based in Virginia, shuttered it’s Doors overnight, leaving Josh in a bad situation and without two months of back wages!

I am asking you to please contact your US Representative or US Senator on Josh’s behalf.

Josh lost his lease on his white van and now has to use his personal car to bring you your meds and along with various point and click items from Amazon, to your neighborhood mailboxes and front porches often making 4 trips a day!

We need to take care of our own!

Please write or call today!


2 thoughts on “Help Our Letter and Package Carrier, Please

  1. Thanks for letting us know Jim. Josh is awesome. You think the Secretary, real-estate mogul, would have let the community know about this issue. Must have the nose in the MLS listings. Actually doing wroa work must not be important enough.

    • I may have left the farm but I am still a farm boy at heart!

      Definitely a conflict of interest on many levels. I would have been tarred, feathered and drop out of a 737 on a test flight. I can’t understand how anyone could think that is acceptable behavior at any age. Deplorable!

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