Court Packing!

Stacking the court with so many appointed officials will take the decision making out of the hands of the membership. Liberal’s can’t win using common sense rules so they have to cheat!

Currently between the board, arc, treasurer, secretary they have a total of almost 20 votes. Adding two more directors could increase that number to 25, depending on how many lots they own.

Recommendation: While serving the community on the board or ARC, those members may only cast one vote.

Three Board of Directors is an adequate number

2 thoughts on “Court Packing!

  1. Jim I think you have a very valid point on the “ court packing”. And how were those properties bought and sold. Did “everybody get a notice about the properties for sale?” Or did someone have an inside scoop?” Wink! Wink! Yes these people have all these properties. Are we sure they’re paying dues for each lot? Or are they getting the friends and family discount? Just because they get combined tax lot. They are supposed to pay wroa dues per lot. To the best of my knowledge. Let’s get an audit as allowed in the CCRS. Ha!Ha! Your point is a good one and should be considered.

    • Out from the cover of darkness! Awesome Mark! We finally have a VOICE! PACK THE ANNUAL MEETING!

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