Rodent Population – Thanks Kermit

Ah, our savior from Camas, the self proclaimed naturalist, here to save our own snail darter. Leave the animals alone is what everyone keeps telling us over and over again at our annual meetings. Yet Kermit went through ten pounds of peanuts a week and all wild animals will live up to their food supply. Peanut shells and more rodents. Do you know people living in trailers in Prineville periodically catch the pneumonic plague from the abundance of rodents in their habitat?

I once was leaving out fresh water daily for any critters that needed some hydration. My system was tied to my Irrigation system, so everyday it was flushed and refilled. I also had a deer lick, both of which I discarded since I always take advice from professionals!

Glue traps around your house, under your workbench, etc. One glue trap can take down 3 to 5 rodents. Once wet or old, they cease to work.

Also, I don’t like to see anyone or anything suffer, other than those Rat Finks on the Board & ARC, therefore, I give them a little tap to their cranium to put them out of their misery. Just like when hunting game of any size or species. There is a difference between hunters and sportsmen.

2 thoughts on “Rodent Population – Thanks Kermit

  1. Ask any veterinarian whether squirrels and or cute chipmunks rats or mice. Carry a variety of diseases. Anybody heard of bubonic plague?

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