Brainstorming here. Please jump in anywhere. Always looking for a compromise and a win win, rather than a corporate edict.
Burning of Yard waste in 55 gallon Burn barrel only. No open burning! All Burn barrel locations will comply with the La Pine Fire Department rules. I will attach later. Prior to receiving the local fire department permit, which is a telephone call to ensure weather conditions are satisfactory, all homeowners will notify the ARC on the day of the burn. All burning will be compete by 1300 hrs. No burning after dark. Only propane warming fires after the close of burning season. No outdoor wood fires after dark during any season unless the fire pit has been approved by both the local fire department and the ARC.
Jump in anywhere for those responsible property owners. Crooked River Ranch has runaway fires every year but they are a lot drier.
$5,000 fine to the homeowner if found to be not complying with the rules and $10,000 fine if the fire department is called for a valid reason. I’ve had both the La Pine Fire Department and the Federal Forest Fire service show up to my place, just to have them tell me, after looking at my setup, nothing wrong here! We are uncertain why someone would call? Do you have an hour? Swatting your neighbors diverts resources away from real incidents.
All warming fire locations will be approved by the ARC. No warning fires other than propane during fire season
The picture was taken at Alta Lake State Park recently, even drier than La Pine.
Is there a win win anywhere to be reached?

The board aka(dictators) are correct that the Ccrs give them the right to not authorize any burning. This was established when we were first started. We also were required to have water pumps. 1000s of feet of fire hose, on each side of the river etc. then we got the proper? fire hydrants and other improvements, fire breaks, etc. So the boards allowed owners to follow LPRFD rules and that was that. But we have people such as I that have never burned debris in s safe manner. I looked and listened to my neighbors when I moved here. And learned how to burn I a safe manner. I’ve waited for the LPRFD to open burning. And have never had an accident of which I would be responsible for if that were to happen. Not being allowed to burn when it’s raining or snow is on the ground is just plain stupid. But power hunger souls want to dictate what your rights are on your own bought and paid for property. Common sense is a good thing. As well as fairness.
Thank you Mark. We should have meetings just on this!